Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/18/2013 | Rich Whitworth
Taiwan proudly set the tightest limits on glyphosate, but failed to measure the herbicide
11/15/2013 | Rich Whitworth
The unique co-evolutionary relationships between plants and their pollinators are as complex as they are diverse.
10/17/2013 | Jayne de Vos, Peter Gorst-Allman
Safe toxic waste disposal and its subsequent monitoring pose significant challenges.
10/16/2013 | Isabelle François, Davy Guillarme, Eric Lesellier
Is the ongoing resistance to SFC a simple misunderstanding and the legacy of past disappointments?
10/16/2013 | Joan LLuis-Vives Corrons
Anemia becomes much more serious in countries where rare hereditary forms can remain undiagnosed.
10/16/2013 | Peter Kootstra
Documentation does not ensure effective, efficient or consistent performance.
10/16/2013 | Emily Hilder
Isn’t it time for a change of scenery? Isn’t it time for a different perspective? Isn’t it time for a shake up?
10/16/2013 | Rich Whitworth
A “nauseating odor” that alarmed citizens of Mangalore, India, remains unidentified
10/15/2013 | Rich Whitworth
Startup company BaseTrace applies DNA tracer technology to track contamination from hydraulic fracturing
Researchers tackle the unlikely issue of red onion counterfeiting with E-Nose technology.
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Ancient Bubblegum
Pushing the Boundaries of Bioprocessing
Work Hard, Network Harder