Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
02/23/2014 | Albert Heck, Reinout Raaijmakers
How we can best provide state-of-the-art proteomics technology to the biomedical community.
02/23/2014 | Rich Whitworth
Sitting Down With… Steven Carr, Proteomics Platform Director at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
02/23/2014 | Richard Gallagher
New sites devoted to post-publication peer review open up great opportunities for dialog; so long as we can all agree on a clear code of conduct.
01/27/2014 | Ron M. A. Heeren, Axel Walch
The field of mass spectrometry imaging is enjoying constant – and exciting – progress.
01/27/2014 | Sponsored by Biotage
In this application note ISOLUTE SLE+ is demonstrated as an effective way to extract AEDs from serum and urine.
01/26/2014 | Sponsored by Ocean Optics
Biodiesel can be used in most diesel engines with little to no engine modification required, and can be blended with petroleum diesel fuel to provide a cleaner burning, lower emission diesel fuel.
01/24/2014 | Rich Whitworth
Could online activity assessments of academic papers be a viable alternative to impact factor or h-index?
12/13/2013 | Lieve Balcaen
A new method can determine ultra-trace levels of titanium in clinical samples.
12/13/2013 | Dev Kant Shandilya
How I grew an active LinkedIn group of over 7,500 members with a single aspiration – to make all our jobs easier.
12/13/2013 | Adrian Stevens
What the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry says about predictive sciences
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond