Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
10/19/2015 | Rich Whitworth
“Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream...” The Power List is shining, it is shining.
This four-part series examines common issues and questions surrounding the principles, measurements and analysis of DLS data and discusses how to minimize the time required for and increase the accuracy of acquiring and interpreting DLS data during the biotherapeutic development process. In Part Four, we address frequently asked questions related to the application of DLS to the characterization of protein therapeutic formulations.
This four-part series examines common issues and questions surrounding the principles, measurements and analysis of DLS data and discusses how to minimize the time required for and increase the accuracy of acquiring and interpreting DLS data during the biotherapeutic development process. In Part Three, we cover the basic types of DLS deconvolution algorithms used to extract the intensity weighted particle size distribution from the measured correlogram.
This four-part series examines common issues and questions surrounding the principles, measurements and analysis of DLS data and discusses how to minimize the time required for and increase the accuracy of acquiring and interpreting DLS data during the biotherapeutic development process. In Part Two, we cover the influence of concentration effects and particle interactions on DLS results and provide a roadmap for identifying and distinguishing each type of concentration effect.
This four-part series examines common issues and questions surrounding the principles, measurements and analysis of DLS data and discusses how to minimize the time required for and increase the accuracy of acquiring and interpreting DLS data during the biotherapeutic development process. In Part One, we provide an overview of the key principles of DLS: theory, correlation statistics, deconvolution algorithms, and the intensity to mass transform.
Use of a novel combination of dynamic light scattering and Raman spectroscopy to elucidate the conformational stability and structure of proteins in biopharmaceutical formulations
The role that nanoparticles play in the rapidly developing field of ‘NanoMedicine’ has been discussed previously in Chapter 5. In this Chapter, we review the specific mechanisms by which such nanoparticles are designed and formulated and in which NTA has had a significant part to play.
The ability to quickly and reproducibly measure coffee ground particle size and size distributions is important during grinding operations to ensure that the coffee quality is maintained and that the correct grade is produced. The Mastersizer 3000 and the Funnel Sample Feeder for the Aero S dry powder disperser provides this capability, offering a rapid alternative to traditional sieve analysis.
The combination of static microscopy and Raman spectroscopy in the Morphologi G3-ID enables automated chemical identification of protein aggregates and other contaminants in a biotherapeutic sample, either in suspension via a thin-path wet cell or on a filter membrane.
The molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and size of three common polymers are measured using OMNISEC. This information can provide insight into the physical properties and behavior of these synthetic polymers.
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