Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
03/17/2022 | James Strachan
Cheating athletes may be on the cusp of being able to enhance their sports performance through gene modification. But could we ever know?
03/11/2022 | James Strachan
How mass photometry could become a new go-to tool for AAV characterization
03/07/2022 | Robert Lodder
Can games be used to predict human behavior – such as unethical decision making in a pharmaceutical production environment?
02/25/2022 | Lauren Robertson
MOBILion Systems CEO, Melissa Sherman, shares the company’s journey over the last five years
02/14/2022 | Mike Easterling
Now’s the time to realize the many advantages of mass spectrometry imaging in clinical research
01/31/2022 | James Strachan
We present the latest research and business biopharma news.
01/24/2022 | Margot Lespade
How an integrated nESI-MS-based sample-to-analysis platform aims to automate quality monitoring in cell therapy bioprocesses
Is collaboration the key to accelerating cell line clone selection? We caught up with Davy Petit from Waters to find out
01/07/2022 | George Buchman
Without the right predictive analytical methods and tools, the cell and gene therapy field will be held back
12/22/2021 | Albert Heck
Albert Heck believes native MS will help rewrite the textbooks on immunology, and increase our knowledge of our wellness, health, and the planet
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond