Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
03/28/2019 | Cindy Orser
Rigorous analysis is vital to keep cannabis consumers safe – and help drive forward medical advances.
03/20/2019 | Cari Sänger-van de Griend, Hermann Wätzig, Michael Breadmore
Three connoisseurs of CE discuss the hot topics in the field.
03/06/2019 | Jean-Luc Veuthey
Sitting Down With... Jean-Luc Veuthey, Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
02/07/2019 | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
We continue the conversation on efficiency – with a focus on instrumentation and software
01/24/2019 | Joanna Cummings
This year’s Pittcon will be covering the hottest of topics, including epigenetics, automation, nanomaterials and cannabis analysis.
01/18/2019 | Sergio C. Nanita, Mikhail Savitski, Ken Broeckhoven, Jean-Francois Masson, Anneli Kruve, Juris Meija, Cecilia Cagliero, Hiroshi Tsugawa
Experts from across the analytical sciences select eye-catching articles from the past 12 months.
01/18/2019 | Michael Witting, M Farooq Wahab, Anna Laura Capriotti, James Grinias, Matthew Baker, Caroline West, Andrea Gargano, Francesco Cacciola
The rising stars from our Top 40 Under 40 Power List pick their top papers of 2018.
01/10/2019 | Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
This eBook provides a toolbox of different workflows and techniques, developed by scientists at the National Institute of Biopharmaceutical Research.
01/08/2019 | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
Taking the next step on the road to efficiency
12/18/2018 | Frank van Geel, Joanna Cummings
How a decades-old technology is getting a new lease of life
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond