Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/24/2014 | Victoria Samanidou
Is the successful marriage of education and research in the challenging era of the financial crisis a reality or utopia?
Frequently asked questions related to the application of DLS to the characterization of protein therapeutic formulations
11/04/2014 | Emily Hilder, Rich Whitworth
Our second series comes from sunny Salzburg and features Power List regular, Emily Hilder.
Work performed in conjunction with the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.In this application note, triple detection size exclusion chromatography (SEC-TD) is used to understand the ability of proteins to form ordered, structured complexes. The controlling mechanism behind these protein complexes is fundamental to our knowledge of protein signaling pathways and the physiological responses they control.
10/21/2014 | Apryll Stalcup
Sitting Down With… Apryll Stalcup, Director of the Irish Separation Science Cluster, Dublin City University, Ireland.
10/20/2014 | Lee DesRosiers
Science and business: tenacious partners in a shaky marriage or eternally bound nonidentical twins?
Rheology is the science of material flow. It is also a science with a reputation for some fairly daunting mathematics. But look past these first principles and rheology has immediate relevance in formulation which is readily appreciated and easily exploited.
09/24/2014 | Sponsored by Tosoh
Evaluation of strong and weak cation exchange columns and dependence of separation on mobile phase pH
This application note presents an example of how calorimetry aided the formulation development for ProX by providing insight into excipient-protein interactions. Polysorbate-80 and phenol are examined here as potential additives to the formulation buffer for ProX.
The study of exosomes and other cell-derived microvesicles is an area of rapidly rowing importance and the subject of intense interest and research. The previous lack of suitable methods for their detection, analysis, enumeration and phenotyping is proving to be a significant limitation in these studies. This document shows the degree to which the technique of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) is helping to address these problems.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond