Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
02/24/2015 | Michael Lämmerhofer
Michael Lämmerhofer opens up about his work on oxidative stress markers and the Chromatographic Society’s Jubilee Award.
02/23/2015 | Cari Sänger-van de Griend
We’re looking for analytical players for a new fixture on the calendar – Analytical Technologies Europe 2015. Together we can beat the challenges of the biopharmaceutical industry.
A concern raised by the rise in routine MRI screening within the healthcare industry is that the ability to detect abnormalities within the body may currently be running ahead of our understanding of their possible consequences, making it difficult to determine a sound course of action. Here then analytical science is arguably advancing beyond current requirements.
In this second article of a short series Dr Paul Kippax is looking at the how recent innovations are substantially enhancing the value and informational productivity of some of our established and trusted analytical techniques. This time, the addition of multiple detectors to a GPC/SEC analysis…
01/19/2015 | Mark R. Taylor, Susana Da Silva Torres
Electrochemical reaction cells are finding new applications in the pharma R&D lab that could offer big time and cost savings. Here, we share our experiences using electrochemistry with on-line mass spectrometry to study pharmaceutical stability and oxidation products – and explain why we’re electrochemistry converts.
In this application note, we show that Malvern’s OmniSEC software can now communicate with Waters Empower® for the seamless exchange of sample sequences. A selection of proteins was used to demonstrate the measurement of protein molecular weight, oligomeric and aggregation state.
In this application note, one protein, interferon α-5, was conjugated with two different PEG molecules in different reactions. The protein and PEG molecules were characterized individually using multi-detector SEC, followed by the PEGylated conjugates. Their composition, molecular weights and intrinsic viscosities were measured. This work was performed by Celares GMBH, Germany with samples provided by DIGNA BIOTECH, Spain
12/08/2014 | Rich Whitworth
Tea and electrochemistry with Jean-Pierre Chervet at ISC2014 in Salzburg.
11/28/2014 | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
In early 2014, Agilent Technologies approached us with a clear objective: to show how simple and robust two-dimensional liquid chromatography has become.
11/24/2014 | George Scott
Hiring gifted new employees is tough enough, but how do you keep them within your organization once you’ve got them?
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond