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Techniques & Tools Technology

Dioxin Determination in Air Filter Samples Using Pressurized Solvent Extraction (PSE)

| Sponsored by Buchi

Extraction of air sampling filters for the determination of dioxins using BUCHI’s SpeedExtractor E-914

Techniques & Tools Technology

Faster Chemical Separations

| Lukas Märk

A 2015 Innovation Award-winning “fastGC” module enhances proton transfer reaction time-of-flight analyzer performance by adding an optional near real-time chemical pre-separation step. Here’s the story behind its development.

Fields & Applications Data Analysis

Enlightened Experimental Design

| Phil Kay

The traditional approach of designing experiments by changing one factor at a time is outmoded.

Techniques & Tools Technology


| Tak Sing Wong

Can a new slippery surface for Raman scattering open the door to routine single molecule detection?

Fields & Applications Technology

Absolute molecular weight’s measurements of synthetic polymers using the Viscotek SEC-MALS 20

The molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and size of two common polymers are measured using SEC-MALS 20. Results from SEC-MALS and conventional calibration are compared and discussed.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Analysis of demicellization data from isothermal titration calorimetry

Learn why isothermal titration calorimetry is a method of choice for accurate and precise determination of critical micellar concentration of surfactants for biochemical applications and find out how to analyse demicellization data from Isothermal Titration Calorimetry

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

Analysis of different of PLA/PLGA polymer samples using a GPC/SEC system

Usually, PLA and PLGA are based on monomers from renewable sources, so are considered “green” polymers. By selecting different molecular weights, different ratios of lactic:glycolic acid and different molecular structures, some properties such as degradation or drug release rates can be tailored to meet application needs. GPC/SEC analysis is an ideal tool for monitoring samples during material synthesis, production of parts and in degradation studies.

Techniques & Tools Technology

Return of the TASIAs

| Rich Whitworth

The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards (TASIAs) return for a third consecutive year to recognize 12 months of innovation from companies big and small.

Techniques & Tools Technology

Laptop Lab

| Peter Willis

Could NASA’s “chemical laptop” breathe new life into the search for extraterrestrials?

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

Using OMNISEC Triple-Detection GPC to Determine Structure of Dextrans and Other Polysaccharides

This application note will describe the analysis of a series of dextran samples ranging in molecular weight from about 1 – 650 kDa. Structural comparisons to other polysaccharides, gum arabic and pectin are presented. Initially discovered by Louis Pasteur in 1861, dextran is a polysaccharide that has found a variety of applications, primarily in the medical field, due to its minimal side-effects and solubility in aqueous media.

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