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Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Dioxin Analysis Access

| Jayne de Vos, Peter Gorst-Allman

Safe toxic waste disposal and its subsequent monitoring pose significant challenges.

Fields & Applications Petrochem

What’s that Smell?

| Rich Whitworth

A “nauseating odor” that alarmed citizens of Mangalore, India, remains unidentified

Fields & Applications Environmental

A toolbox of amino acids for mAb separations

Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) is well established for mAb aggregate analysis.

Fields & Applications Food, Beverage & Agriculture

Monitoring Food Risks

| Rich Whitworth

A global, online risk-assessment tool offers a more intelligent way to protect against emerging food fraud and contamination

Techniques & Tools Gas Chromatography

Rising Above the Helium Shortage

| Ed Connor

Worldwide helium demand far exceeds current production levels. For many gas chroma- tography applications, the ... switch to hydrogen is painless. What’s stopping you?

Fields & Applications Capillary Electrophoresis

Three Gurus of Nano and Micro Analysis

| Robert Kennedy, Albert van den Berg, Juan G. Santiago

Three gurus describe significant breakthroughs in micro and nanoscale analytical techniques and envisage where they might take us next.

Fields & Applications Genomics & DNA Analysis

DNA Horse Play

| Rich Whitworth

The horsemeat scandal has damaged customer confidence and raised food analysis awareness.

Fields & Applications Environmental

Don’t Wash Your Hands of This

| Rich Whitworth

Is triclosan, an antibacterial agent in soaps and body washes, damaging the aquatic environment?

Fields & Applications Environmental

Emerging Contaminants

| Alberto Mantovani

A toxicological point of view can help close off concerns about bioaccumulating compounds

Fields & Applications Environmental

The Fight Against Doping in Sport

| Klass Faber, Joan Ferré

Three ways that the analytical scientist could – and should – play a more active role

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