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Fields & Applications

Fields & Applications Forensics

Pot Cemetery

| Matt Hallam

Residue from an ancient burial site in Eastern Asia – and the cannabis use that time forgot.

Fields & Applications Clinical

A SMArter Way to Diagnose Diabetes

| Michael Schubert

Could a polymer that "biopsies" living cells lead to improved diabetes diagnosis and monitoring?

Fields & Applications Environmental

When Technology Bites Back

| Heather A. Leslie

What can we do about plastic pollution – as citizens and as analytical scientists?

Fields & Applications Gas Chromatography

Diagnosis: Asthma

| Matt Hallam

Jean-François Focant answers our questions on the 'BreathPrint' study of MS for phenotyping asthma.

Fields & Applications Forensics

Amber Alert: The Iberian Imitation Game

| Matt Hallam

Amber was an important status symbol in prehistoric Iberia, but perhaps not a foolproof one

Fields & Applications Forensics

Experimenting with Psychedelics

| Matt Hallam

Analysis of shamanic ritual bundle paints a picture of botanical and psychotropic knowledge in ancient South America.

Fields & Applications Environmental

Here Comes the Sun

| Matt Hallam

Characterization of algal light-harvesting protein complexes could help improve solar energy systems.

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

The Metabolomics Maestro

| Matt Hallam

We sit down with Richard Yost to discuss all things mass spectrometry, from the laboratory to the conference hall and beyond.

Fields & Applications Forensics

Splitting Hairs: Ingestion or Contamination?

| Matt Hallam

Traditional testing of hair for drug use has struggled to differentiate genuine drug ingestion from external contamination - until now.

Fields & Applications Metabolomics & Lipidomics

Ice Cream Bean Dream

| Ryan De Vooght-Johnson

What's the scoop? Metabolomic data from ice cream bean trees highlight the diversity of tropical ecosystems.

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