Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/07/2018 | Sebastiaan Eeltink, Sam Wouters
New microfluidic membrane suppressor technology wins the prestigious Solvay Award
11/07/2018 | Joanna Cummings
GC-MS reveals ancient Egyptian embalming “recipe”
10/10/2018 | Benjamin Garcia
We Sit Down With Benjamin Garcia, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
10/10/2018 | Joanna Cummings
Presenting the latest spectroscopic research in bite-sized chunks
SciX chairs and share their tips for getting the most out of the conference – and their prediction for the field.
The oldest cheese ever discovered has been found in an ancient tomb
Metabolomic analysis of Burns manuscripts sorts the facts from the fakes
09/24/2018 | Kim Ekroos
What are the aims of The Lipidomics Standards Initiative, and what will it bring to the table?
We Sit Down With Giovanni Dugo, Professor Emeritus, University of Messina, Sicily, Italy.
09/18/2018 | William Aryitey
A method for the rapid detection of serum biomarkers in liver disease
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A Voyage of Diagnostic Discovery
The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards 2024: #1
“A Turning Point in Translational Medicine”