Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
01/17/2019 | Charlotte Barker
What can the research highlights of 2018 tell us about the hot topics of 2019?
Whether testing for impurities, ensuring national security, or speeding up sample prep – meet the companies advancing analytical science.
11/07/2018 | Peter Schoenmakers, Imre Molnár, Barry Karger
Friends and colleagues celebrate the life and work of a chromatography giant.
09/24/2018 | Kim Ekroos
What are the aims of The Lipidomics Standards Initiative, and what will it bring to the table?
07/04/2018 | Glen Jackson
We Sit Down With Glen Jackson, Professor, Ming Hsieh Distinguished Professor of Forensic & Investigative Science, West Virginia University, USA.
06/01/2018 | Monika Dittmann
We Sit Down With Monika Dittmann, Principal Scientist, R&D Agilent Technologies, Germany.
05/02/2018 | Benjamin Balluff
Assistant professor Benjamin Balluff develops innovative bioinformatics approaches that allow M4I researchers to master their data.
04/05/2018 | David Chiang
Data analysis in proteomics is not fit for purpose – but here’s how we can get on track
09/13/2017 | Geoff Turnbull
Is SAP the only enterprise software you need? Geoff Turnbull looks to Lord of the Rings for the answer
08/11/2017 | Louise Smieska and Ruth Mullet
SR-XRF and diffraction have uncovered unexpected trace elements in ancient manuscript fragments
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond