Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
05/02/2018 | Kelly Zhang
We Sit Down With Kelly Zhang, Principal Scientist, Genentech, South San Francisco, California, USA.
05/02/2018 | Carolyn Compton
Preanalytical error is unwelcome in all labs – but in the clinic it can delay diagnoses or even cost lives. Here, we share lessons learned from a pathologist pushing for greater awareness of the issue in medicine.
05/02/2018 | Tiffany Porta
The assistant professor at M4I tells us how the institute is translating MSI technology into the operating theater.
05/02/2018 | Cicely Rathmell and David Creasey
Looking ahead as next-generation compact spectrometers close in on their benchtop counterparts
04/09/2018 | Mike Morris, Benjamin W Smith & Jessica Prenni
Three top scientists weigh in on how spectroscopy is permeating every aspect of our lives – and every corner of the globe.
04/09/2018 | Gary Hieftje
We need to recognize the important symbiotic relationship between theory, application, and instrumentation in analytical science.
04/05/2018 | Susan Olesik, Ivo Leito, Dayna Mason
From elementary school through to university, how can we inspire the next generation of analytical chemists?
04/05/2018 | Tom van de Goor, Claude R Mallet, Marco Koenen & Björn-Thoralf Erxleben
What’s new in comprehensive separations – and what does the future have in store?
04/05/2018 | Joanna Cummings
More miniaturization of analytical tech with a hand-held capillary electrophoresis device
Business in brief: we discover what’s going on in the world of analytical science?
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond