Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
06/20/2019 | Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Quotient Sciences are a global service provider of drug development services and solutions, with almost 30 years of experience of providing formulation development, GMP manufacturing and clinical pharmacology services
06/10/2019 | Sponsored by Syft Technologies
SIFT-MS analysis is real-time, comprehensive, selective and economical. Learn how SIFT-MS could be applied to challenges in your field.
05/29/2019 | Sponsored by Tosoh
This webinar will give an introduction to the principle of FcR affinity chromatography, the influence of Fc-glycans on the separation profile and potential applications.
04/09/2019 | Sponsored by Andor Technology
The webinar will look at efforts to translate researched multimodal spectroscopic approaches into automated systems with a high technology readiness level (TRL) for clinical applications.
12/06/2018, 3pm (UK) | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
Laboratory efficiency: How to plan for success and secure your future
12/05/2018 | Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Join experts from leading contract research organisation, Covance, and learn how they have developed capabilities for the analysis of antibody-drug conjugate variants using ion exchange chromatography hyphenated to MS.
This presentation provides step-by-step guide for construction of peptide retention library using 2D LC-MS/MS analysis of whole cell tryptic digests.
In this webinar, we show how rapid high sequence coverage of mAbs and ADCs can be achieved with advanced top-down fragmentation capabilities such as Higher-energy Collision Dissociation (HCD), Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD) and Ultra-Violet Photo-Dissociation (UVPD).
10/31/2018 | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
Sign up to one, two or three webinars that explore efficiency across analytical, instrumental and laboratory scales to find out how you can boost your efficiency.
09/19/2018 | Sponsored by 908 Devices
This webinar will discuss the advantages of CE and CE-MS as separation technique compared to traditional electrophoresis or chromatography.
08/16/2018 | Sponsored by Syft Technologies
Join us for this webinar that will describe how SIFT-MS can be utilized in diverse food and aroma applications.
08/01/2018 | Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Presented here is the use of a novel advanced electron ionization (AEI) source in conjunction with GC triple quadrupole mass spectrometry to provide a simple way to measure nitrosamines at low part per trillion (ng/L, ppt) levels.
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A Voyage of Diagnostic Discovery
The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards 2024: #1
“A Turning Point in Translational Medicine”