Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
05/10/2019 | Charlotte Barker
With ISCC and GCxGC 2019 looming, we spoke to co-chair Kevin Schug about what to expect from this year's program.
05/10/2019 | Jonathan James
An algorithm originally developed for Netflix shows promise to improve the diagnostic applications of Raman spectroscopy.
05/10/2019 | Ryan De Vooght-Johnson
What makes Tennessee whiskey so special? Researchers at the University of Tennessee set out to investigate using SAFE, SIDA and GC-olfactometry.
05/08/2019 | Charlotte Barker
Close-up of a low-power, ultra-high-speed GCxGC system that's small but packs a punch to the tune of 50 compounds per second peak capacity.
05/03/2019 | Ryan De Vooght-Johnson
How confocal Raman microscopy helps dig into the details of glass corrosion.
04/30/2019 | Norman Dovichi, Mary Kate Donais, Marcia F Mesko, Dominic J. Hare
Four expert spectroscopists each select a game-changing paper - and highlight its impact on the wider field or their own research path
04/30/2019 | Silvio Vaz Jr.
Can modern analytical technologies monitor and control the fate of emerging pollutants?
04/30/2019 | Susan Richardson
DBPs – disinfection by-products – could pose an underestimated threat to our health, wildlife, and environment.
04/30/2019 | Wei Min
Wei Min has pioneered a revolutionary technology for imaging chemical bonds, with broad applications in chemistry, biomedicine and energy research.
04/30/2019 | Matthieu Legrand
A united front against antimicrobial resistance requires rapid diagnostics.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond