Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
02/23/2014 | Albert Heck, Reinout Raaijmakers
How we can best provide state-of-the-art proteomics technology to the biomedical community.
02/23/2014 | Miguel de la Guardia Cirugeda
How we might reduce environmental impact without reducing capability – and why we should try
01/27/2014 | Kim H. Esbensen
Far too little respect for, and competency in, representative sampling is making a mockery of analytical error.
08/02/2013 | Richard Gallagher
Ranking the 100 most influential people in the analytical sciences. Which researcher has most transformed the field? Which CEO’s company has introduced the most powerful new technology? Who are the role models and thought leaders that are inspiring change in the field?
06/10/2013 | Sponsored by Biotage
A new solid phase extraction technology has been developed to speed up sample preparation by eliminating steps in the extraction workflow.
05/15/2013 | Lourdes Ramos, Serge Rudaz
Where does sample preparation stand today, and where is it going? Two experts – one from environmental ... chemistry, the other from pharmaceutical science – share views on the current, short-term and long – term outlook for sample prep.
05/14/2013 | Bert Ooms
Dried blood spot analysis is a useful, but not yet perfect, technique.
04/16/2013 | Sangeeta Tanna, Graham Lawson
With many potential benefits, it is easy to understand the drive to develop systems and methods acceptable to the regulatory authorities.
02/21/2013 | Sponsored by Tosoh
New roles and applications in the areas of science & technology are continuously being found for synthetic polymers.
02/21/2013 | Sponsored by Biotage
Sample preparation method to extract and analyze ‘Bath Salts’ using Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE).
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond