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Business & Education Professional Development

Around the World in 80 Assays

| Naidong Weng

Analytical chemistry is an essential global network – here’s how to navigate this exciting world and build a successful international career.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

METLIN at 500K

| Gary Siuzdak

Tandem MS identification as the 21st century standard for small molecule and metabolite identification.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Wanted: Native Protein LC-MS

| Matthew A. Lauber

Complex biologic characterization demands a new era of instrumentation assay technology – the analytical community must seize the opportunity.

Fields & Applications Environmental

Tipping the Scales

| Jonathan James

Alternatives to environment-damaging paint additives may come from an unlikely source: the beauty of bugs.

Fields & Applications Environmental

Lotion in the Ocean

| Jonathan James

The presence of sunscreen compounds in seawater is unlikely to be good for marine ecosystems – but just how bad is the problem?

Fields & Applications Food, Beverage & Agriculture

Citizen Science and Food Safety

| Michel Nielen

Public food safety testing is in our sights – but we must prepare accordingly to ensure that faith in experts persists

Fields & Applications Proteomics

Resolution Revolution Realized

| Jonathan James

Breakthroughs in cryo-electron microscopy provide atomic-level protein information that may transform drug development.

Business & Education Mass Spectrometry

Leading the Charge

Sitting Down With… Carol Robinson, Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

Fields & Applications Forensics

Stories of the Dead

| Matt Hallam, Lana Brockbals, Pier Paolo Petrone, Cristina Barrocas Dias

How analytical chemistry refines life after death.

Business & Education Education

Analytical Science Breaks Free

| Charlotte Barker

Testing is moving out of the lab and into the real world - bringing risk but also exciting potential.

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