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Sample Preparation

Techniques & Tools Gas Chromatography

Texas Stars

| Charlotte Barker

Saddle up for new adventures and old challenges at ISCC & GC×GC in May

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Back to Basics

| José Manuel Florêncio Nogueira

With sample prep, simple analytical ideas may prove more effective than expensive solutions

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Faster and More Sensitive Protein Characterization and Quantitation

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Thermo Scientific™ SMART Digest™ ImmunoAffinity (IA) Kits are designed for biomarker and bio-therapeutic characterization and quantitation

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Arrested Development

| Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard, Astrid Gjelstad, Knut Einar Rasmussen

Given ongoing challenges in sample preparation, is it time to give LPME a second chance?

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Landmark Literature

| Hans-Gerd Janssen, Pat Sandra, Apryll Stalcup, Gary Hieftje, Davy Guillarme, Frank Bright

Our experts select and reflect on six standout papers that advanced analytical science in 2016.

Business & Education Sample Preparation

Time to spec up? Replace a viscometer with a rheometer

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

Is your viscometer approaching the end of its life? Are you starting to feel that your trial and error, ‘rheology-light’ approach to formulation is becoming dated? Or are there longstanding product performance issues that you’re failing to gain traction with, where you suspect rheology may hold the answer?

Business & Education Sample Preparation

Protein measurements with the Zetasizer µV

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

This application note describes a selection of measurements made on a GE AKTA basic system.

Business & Education Sample Preparation

Sizing Dairy Emulsions for Optimal Performance

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

Laser diffraction and dynamic light scattering enable the identification of an optimal particle size distribution for dairy emulsions to support the cost-effective manufacture of high quality products.

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Performance of Polymer Solutions for Enhanced Oil Recovery

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

In this article we take an introductory look at work carried out by TU Clausthal to develop an improved understanding of the mechanisms of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) by polymer flooding, and the relevance of fluid rheology. Example data illustrates the insight that rheology provides and its application in optimizing fluid performance.

Business & Education Sample Preparation

Combined DLS/Raman provides New Molecular Insights of Complex Fluids

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

In particular, this article demonstrates the correlation between molecular changes (Raman Spectroscopy) and microstructural evolution of rheological properties (DLS, DLS-optical microrheology) for the first time for surfactant-based wormlike micellar system. Whereby, Raman Spectroscopy provides information about the molecular structure and DLS-microrheology characterizes viscoelastic properties, the combination of data delivered allows for a deeper understanding of the molecular changes underlying the viscoelastic ones. The study illustrates the utility of the combined DLS, DLS-optical microrheology and Raman Spectroscopy in providing new molecular structural insights into the self-assembly process in complex fluids.

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