Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
12/09/2017 | Mariosimone Zoccali
Combining five chromatography and mass spectrometry dimensions into a single automated instrument
12/09/2017 | Joanna Cummings
January 2018 sees HTC-15, hosted in Cardiff. We present our top picks from the sessions
11/16/2017 | Giles Barton
Paying attention to the finer points of filtration in sample preparation can help avoid simple mistakes
11/16/2017 | German Augusto Gómez-Ríos
Gómez-Ríos describes a simple solution with surprising performance: coated blade spray.
07/18/2017 | Ashley Sage
The trends, challenges – and solutions – that are driving the future of water analysis.
07/17/2017 | Carlo Bicchi
Carlo Bicchi is perfectly placed to reflect on the past, present and future of separation science
05/15/2017 | Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte
Miniature detection technologies are improving fast – but unevolved sample prep is holding us back.
04/13/2017 | Victoria Samanidou
Is sample preparation still the bottleneck of analytical chemistry?
04/13/2017 | Kevin Schug
Open your mind to industry partnerships, and you never know where it might take you…
04/13/2017 | Elena Ibañez
Going green: taking risks can lead to great rewards in science and in life.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond