Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
01/07/2022 | Rafael Lucena
What are the benefits of cellulosic paper for designing planar sorptive phases?
01/05/2022 | Lauren Robertson
Elia explores the biggest challenges facing the field, reveals her predictions for the next decade, and voices her “strong opinions”…
12/22/2021 | Sponsored by Cytiva
Keep your Soxhlet sample prep running smoothly with a handful of simple troubleshooting tips
08/18/2021 | Lourdes Ramos
Could (NA)DES help the field deliver on the 2013 Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) principles?
06/18/2021 | Elena Ibañez
We must embrace green analytical approaches if we are to contribute to hitting key sustainability goals in a meaningful way
06/04/2021 | Giorgia Purcaro
Sample preparation provides an opportunity to simplify and empower analytical research - we should capitalize on that opportunity!
06/01/2021 | Verónica Pino
What must we consider when choosing the ideal materials for sample preparation?
12/07/2020 | Kim H. Esbensen
Kim Esbensen discusses the importance of representative sampling
The Analytical Scientist presents The Application Book 2020.
09/25/2020 | Sponsored by Cytiva
Exploring the key analytical techniques used throughout the brewing process – and the importance of sample filtration
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond