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Fields & Applications Gas Chromatography

GC×GC-HR-TOFMS for untargeted screening of Breathomics

| Sponsored by Leco

In the galaxy of Omics Science, breathomics knows an exponential growth.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Ensuring data quality and addressing chromatographic challenges in routine pharmaceutical analysis: Tools for Success

| Sponsored by Waters

Inspired by a suite of new ICH guidelines, chromatographers are now managing methods using a lifecycle approach to improve the consistency, ruggedness and quality of separations to enable right-first-time analyses.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Cut through the uncertainty: the benefits of Orbitrap GC-MS for the analysis of pesticides and environmental contaminants in food matrices

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

This webinar discusses the benefits of using an Orbitrap GC-MS system in a high throughput analytical laboratory that handles a diverse range of matrix-analyte combinations.

Fields & Applications Food, Beverage & Agriculture

Improved profiling of cannabis terpenes for accurate product labelling

| Sponsored by SepSolve Analytical

Chromatographic separation of the diverse range of compounds present in cannabis is enough of a challenge, let alone identifying these with confidence.

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

The Analytical Power of Correlative Raman Imaging: New Developments, Tools and Applications

| Sponsored by WITec GmbH

Confocal Raman imaging is a powerful, versatile and increasingly common microscopy technique.

Fields & Applications Pharma & Biopharma

Protein Footprinting Applications in Structural Biology

| Sponsored by GenNext Technologies

This hour long seminar reviews a litany of structural biology case studies in which protein footprinting has been successfully applied to solve valuable problems frequently encountered in biopharmaceutical research

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Run Fast: Rapid MS/MS Analysis with Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry (AEMS)

| Sponsored by SCIEX

Here a newly developed Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry (AEMS) platform - the SCIEX Echo® MS System - is described for rapid, chromatography-free MS/MS analysis.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

High-Throughput Thermal Desorption Tube Analysis: TD-SIFT-MS

| Sponsored by Syft Technologies

This SPOTLIGHTLIVE event will introduce SIFT-MS and its seamless integration with GERSTEL TD instrumentation.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Increasing Lab Uptime with a Nitrogen Gas Generator

| Sponsored by Peak Scientific

Find out more about the innovative technology behind Peak’s products and market-leading after sale support.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Hamamatsu Photonics - Technology for Mass Spec

| Sponsored by Hamamatsu

Hamamatsu Photonics have developed a dedicated range of detector technologies to provide our customers with the most optimal solutions.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

A Tasty Pairing: Keeping meat products safe with the 6470B LC/TQ and the Comprehensive Veterinary Drug Workflow solution

| Sponsored by Agilent Technologies

To protect public health, organizational bodies have set strict maximum residue limits for veterinary drugs found in foods of animal origin.

Fields & Applications Food, Beverage & Agriculture

Microbiology membrane filtration for water quality testing

| Sponsored by Cytiva

Microbiological quality has the potential for immediate impact to the consumer and public health.

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