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Techniques & Tools Sensors

Research in Brief

| James Strachan

Unveiling the world beneath our feet, the right path for lithium, and an extended microscopy toolbox…

Techniques & Tools Microscopy

Cryo-EM: Keeping a Cool Head

| Giovanna Scapin

Despite generating a staggering number of discoveries, Cryo-EM remains complicated, difficult to use, and expensive. So be judicious!

Techniques & Tools Technology

What’s New in Spectroscopy?

| Margot Lespade

We present the latest research and business spectroscopy news

Techniques & Tools Capillary Electrophoresis

Understanding ESI

How exactly do neutral molecules become protonated in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry?

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

The Application Book 2021

The Application Book 2021 summarizes recent application notes across a range of exciting topics

Techniques & Tools Microscopy

Admiring the Cellular Landscape

A stunning 3D rendering of a eukaryotic cell, made from X-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance, and cryo-electron microscopy datasets

Techniques & Tools Microscopy

Let There be Light!

| Sponsored by Bruker

Catching up with the experts behind the award-winning LUMOS II FTIR microscope

Techniques & Tools COVID-19

3D Imaging of the SARS-CoV-2 Replication Cycle

Subcellular changes within cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 provide insight into the virus’ replication cycle

Fields & Applications Microscopy

Image of the Month: Spot the Fakes

| Lauren Robertson

How art analysis is uncovering the truth behind Russian avant-garde paintings

Techniques & Tools Microscopy

Close to the Edge

| Lauren Robertson

A new single-molecule microscopy technique lets researchers see lipid membranes in unique detail

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